Friday 30 December 2011

Happy New Year 2012

huh pejam celik pejam celik dah nak masuk tahun baru kan, masa berlalu dengan pantasnya so ini bermaksud umur kita dah semakin meningkat so we have to be more mature than before, don't be like childish style ok coz is already past now korang mestila ada azam baru kan semua nak baru but bila dah tengah bulan habuk pon tak dak, biasala tu lumrah hidup namanya..hehe..i think bukan tengah bulan kot maybe dalam jiwa korang dah tak nak pasang azam baru coz korang fikir semua benda tu tak menjadi kenyataan, hmmm macam mana korang tahu benda tu tak menjadi kenyataan who's know maybe korang akan menjadi orang yang disanjung waaa tak gituuuuu O_O

new year begins with new stories of everyone's life, so ohhh my dear " New Year " please write my precious moment and every single day of my life also please be better than 2011 ;) terlalu banyak kenangan manis dan pahit masa tahun 2011 walaupun tahun ni dah nak meninggalkan kita but it give us so meaningful life, so hopefully all the beautiful moment that we created in 2011 will keep in touch with us.
new year, new life, everything is new in 2011 but me, still the same person same attitude and same look..hehe

yeeeaaahhh i love all this activities lets do it everyone ;) hehe..i know some of you already reach this right, if yes a big congratulations for you my dear hopefully you will get what you want in your life ok !!!

So, my last statements for you guys " Happy New Year  2012 " to everyone who knows me ;)
btw, hari ni aku celebrate kat Penang mari ramai-ramai kita turun Penang ok awesome maaa

Miss Him !!!!

damn jealous with them coz they make me mad O_O
the best way is i have to stand beside you not them ok !!!

uuuwaaaaaa wanna cry !!! why Adriana Lima and Erin Heatherton with my hero Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler uurghhh make me die, please stay away from him yea !!!!
please don't kill me ohhh noo i hate this pic ;( but i love them too and how it could be ??

You're still the one in my heart Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler

beeeeppp aku tulis this entry coz aku miss gila kat dia, boleh dikatakan the whole day aku just tengok all his pics and looking forward what's new about him aaarrrgghhh he make me crazy ok !! why you have to live in this world and why you make me fall in love with you and why you make me obsessed on you and why you make me thinking of you and why you killing me slowly and why you steal my heart away and why you make my day so wonderful and why you still in my heart and why you are so hot and why you didn't come to Malaysia to meet me and when you will be my real hero in my life ?? 

sorry if you guys don't like this entry coz i'm not force you guys to read this entry ok ;)
but i just wanna say I MISS MY HERO !!!!!!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Favorite Movies Along Christmas Eve

ka-ching ka-ching !! sepanjang christmas eve ini berlangsung, aku pon melangsungkan diri aku untuk menghabiskan masa bersama dengan menonton movie-movie yang awesome kat HBO, Star Movies, Max Cinema and so on. ohhh nooo diorang telah berjaya mencuri hatiku untuk terus menghadap TV 24 hours haaaa ambik kau dah macam revenge each other dah aku tengok ni 0_0 so, ni antara movie yang telah menjadi favorite aku, so so so so amazing movies love them so much even movie ni dah lama tak lama juga la aku pon tak sure aarrghhhh tahun tak penting mana pon, yang penting jalan ceritanya awww melting ;)

Mariah Carey, the protagonist of the film, began working on a film and soundtrack project titled All That Glitters. However, during that period, Columbia Records pressured Carey to release a compilation album, in time for the favorable holiday season in November. Consequently, Carey put All That Glitters on hold, and released the compilation in November 1998. Following an additional studio album in 1999, titled Rainbow, but when the project was delayed, she published some of the material on Rainbow, in which she fully exerted creative control over the album and its sound, and then, Carey completed her contract with Columbia Records, and later, she signed a deal with Virgin Records. Carey has said about the film, "It's in the early '80s, in the club scene of that time. I play a singer, Billie, who's black, from a white father and a black mother. Billie grows up in a foster home, because her mother abandoned her. Later on she meets a DJ and becomes a star in just one night. The point is, that all this time she waits for her mother to return. As you can see, this is far away from my reality, because I couldn't have a closer relationship with my own mother. When she's not with me, she calls like every five minutes.

Wendy Walton is the best designer in Boston, but no one knows it yet. Hoping to kick-start her career, Wendy has left work with the local theater to take a job as an assistant to Priscilla Hall, the most prestigious designer in the city. Ms. Hall works Wendy around the clock, which is how Wendy finds herself trapped in an elevator late one night with an incredibly handsome stranger. Wendy and the mystery man share an impulsive, romantic, life changing kiss before the doors open and Wendy runs out, leaving him behind. The next day at work, Wendy answers the door to find the handsome gentleman standing in front of her. Turns out he’s Adam Hughes, a wealthy philanthropist, and Ms. Hall’s long distance boyfriend. He doesn’t recognize Wendy, which makes things all the more awkward for her when Ms. Hall assigns her to decorate his house for a big party at Christmas. As the holidays approach and Wendy and Adam spend more and more time together, Wendy realizes she’s falling in love. Should she risk everything she’s worked for and tell Adam the truth about their moment on the elevator before he proposes to Ms. Hall? And will Adam ever open his eyes and realize that the one true love of his life is right in front of him? A Christmas romance about how one kiss can change everything.

Glitter : Sad ending coz her hero died damn i hate that part but finally she met her mother.
A Christmas Kiss : Happy ending coz finally they stuck each other i love it so romantics.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

My New Red King !!!!!

yeaaaahhhh new Red King..hehe..jumpa dia masa kat Melaka anak siapa la aku ambil ni alaaaaa ruginya tak dapat muka dua orang tu actually diorang handsome oowww but segan nak zoom pulak so to avoid that case buat-buat la snap pics budak ni..hehe..poyo ja ;) will miss him Red King muaaahhhh sikit sama dia 0_0
that's all i wanna share huh what's entry i try to post ridiculous please !!! actually no idea to post but gagahkan diri juga untuk menjadi pulon yea hope you like ok ohhhh yeaaaahh bye ;)

Wednesday 21 December 2011

♫♪ Setiap Gambar Ada Lagunya ♫♪

Finally dapat juga aku upload pics Melaka and KL..huh..lama gila kan orang pergi trip KL tiga kali aku baru nak upload poyo ja but at least i'm trying yea ;) btw, i'm so so sorry to all my beloved friends maklomla cable camera baru sampai kat aku..hehe..kalau diikutkan hati nak ja balik kat moment tu but unfortunately life must go on and just looking forward tapi aku tetap akan simpan this moment in my heart and my mind aku takkan lupakan korang semua coz you guys make my life colorful like rainbows thanks for everything !!!! korang pon understand aku and always repeated that question when you will do facebook for your information aku dah tak faham dah social network kat sana tiba-tiba ja ada timeline..huh..what the fish, so i decide to make it hang on first if aku dah ready and memang ready then i will do ok don't worry babe always keep in touch with you guys ;) ok aku tak nak la story panjang sangat kang ada ja yang mengalir awwww buat serupa entry sedih teruk ceeyyy
Here we are flashback to 90's time 0_0

Me and Zalick love my bug ;) no doubt anymore you're still the one in my heart yea !!!
Hope you will keep in touch with me sweetie.

Sementara menuggu diorang, kitorang candid dulu..hehe
All cute especially the girl who wore polkadots dress..huhu..give thumbs up ;)

 aargghhhh tak sanggup makan kat R&R coz mahal so kitorang on disini ja janji perut kenyang
tengok umy muka lapar ja coz tak dapat makan nasi tak pa umy nanti kita isi lain yea ;)

 oopppsss apa yang surprise sangat ni yea cik tieka oiii nampak your hero Enrique Iglesias ada kat depan you
 nyny where's your hand why tak buat peace, tengok ana still dengan peace dia ;) hehe

awww muka cover lapar ehhh just kidding darling ;)
both of you cute my doughnut and my choki-choki..hehe..suka hati ja bagi nickname kat orang.

 aku tak dak tempat nak stand so aku mencelah ja kat situ sorry terlindung korang punya slim body..hehe..
tak sangka kan semua dah besar dulu ingat lagi masa beli ice cream then meleleh tak tentu pasal coz of melting tahap terok sangat but korang still ignore tak kisah dah siapa lalu ;) funny moment !!!

 awww my girlfriend i love her so much miss kita sharing dulu-dulu sekarang boleh kan ?? i'm still normal you guys don't miss understanding with that statement yea 0_0
nampak sangat nak buat style orang suruh makan french fries kita tak, letak kat tepi mulut ja poyo !!!

 aaaiiikk ada lagi muka lapar ni..haha..kali ni dah kenyang sikit kot try tengok ayam nyny and ana tinggal tulang ja itu bermakna kitorang menghargai makanan yang sedia ada bagos both of you ;) hehe

 surprise siapa diorang ni ?? actually first time jumpa diorang kat Melaka aku langsung tak tahu nampak sangat tak ambil tahu ;) ini la Forteen under KRU Studio, that's why la pic aku tak dak dalam ni coz aku tak kenal diorang, sekarang dah kenal ambil kau menyesal sampai sudah..huhu..tapi tak pa jumpa diorang di lain hari mungkin bukan jodoh..waaaa ayat apa ini, geli dengar..hehe ;)

haaa mat salleh and minah salleh ni from England, London yea tempat pak teh aku ni Prince Charles..haha..buat serupa jumpa Foster The People pulak sampai nak kena candid macam ni selenger je muka aku tu, muka korang sweet ja ;) huhu

 waaaa nyny, aku and ateen sedang tengok pics apa ja tu ehhh ?? tak pon screen gelap ja saja buat action, nampak betapa pulonnya korang ni..hehe ;) btw, aku suka pic ni nampak macam gang photography ja

 yeaaahhh going to river cruise memang penuh habis la cruise tu nasib baik dapat tampung kitorang ni kalau tak huh tak nak cakap ok * sad face..hehe..sebelum tu kitorang posing sebentar yea buat macam American Next Top Model boleh macam tuu ?? budget high taste bagai !!!!

 akhirnya dapat juga aku pic si eton ni punyala susah, pics Beyonce pon tak susah macam dia..huh..
btw, eton you are the one who still staring at my camera appreciate it yang lain entahla tengok mat salleh handsome la kot ;) hoho

 ohhh no its that Gucci Girls wow looking elegant and fabulous all of you
from left Miranda Kerr, Chanel Iman, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Doutzen Kroes
aaiikkk apasal ambil model Victoria's Secret pulak hmmm whatever i know you guys keep smiling when i say like that ;) hehe

 amboiiii cepatnya dapat job terus jadi Burberry Girls pulak maklomla semua ada rupa..sila perasankan diri korang..haha..suka sama pic ini nampak cutie mutie ja ;)

 ini bukan toilet yang kitorang masok sampai kena bayar RM2 what the fish ?? nak masok istana pon tunjuk card ja ni kena bayar say goodbye for that toilet *sigh 0_0
nampak zalick ja hmmm yang lain kebelakangan sikit yea tak pa janji nampak juga ;)

 nampak !!! aku nak beli buku kat sini tapi sekali tengok price huh nampak gayanya boleh makan untuk empat hari maaa so just baca kat belakang ja..hehe

 nyny nak baca apa ehh ?? aku tengok macam buku puzzle ja or cross words..haha..
tak pa asalkan candid..hehe..moment dengan you paling best sampai cari favorite book tak jumpa

ha ni gang yang join kitorang juga coz gang yang lain tengah on cari novel so kitorang on candid..haha..
opppsss aku teringat kat nyny ada ka cakap " Kinojaya " suka hati dia ja bagi nama bookshop ni actually nama dia " Kinokuniya " haha aku dengar that word apasal bunyi lain ehhh memang betul dia sebut silap lepas tu buat muka innocent style la you nyny love ;)

terkejut aku coz tiba-tiba ja buku ni bercakap..haha..ridiculous ok don't believe it !!!!
ni buku apa entah aku pon tak tahu why aku action macam tu but aku tengok ok ja ;) hehe

 aku suka pic ni coz aku dok depan jadi otai..haha..thanks for our new photographer syera halim
ceeyyhhh boleh join aku jadi photographer ni nice shot you take ;) thanks yea

 haha sorry nyny aku terlindung hang so hang just nampak tangan jadila noohhh !!!
 hanis you cari buku apa tu ?? tasawwur islam ada kat depan sini just germany book..hehe

   help me and my friends we have no choice right now just keep looking around that book ;)
nyny macam nak jumpa dah, hanis awww aku dah cakap kat sini tasawwur islam tak dak dia ada kat depan tak payahla buat muka curious macam tu..hahahah ;)

  finally we got the MKA's book wooo hoooo i got it first nyny memang speechless masa aku jumpa this stuff
jadila dapat bergambar dengan Karl and MKA Olsen..hehe..happy ending ;)

 muka macam nak join ja dalam buku tu kan ?? sabar ehh nyny nanti kita roger dengan diorang mana tahu ada job yang boleh you register ;) huhu

 the one that i got love Olsen twins ever diorang ni the best siblings !!!
 suka tengok diorang, tengok muka aku pon dah tahu adore gila ;) hoho

 I-City time but unfortunately nasib tak menyebelahi kita coz hujan tak dapat nak bermesra dengan pokok yang ada lampu tu but duduk dalam ni pon best juga kan ada lampu juga..haha..emon selipar tu bawa sorok sikit ok tahula dia tu macam penyelamat you..hehe..hanya kita yang faham bab ni ;)

 we are success girl weeee hooooo put your hands up in the air
inshaallah semua akan berjaya dalam hidup..amiiinn !!!

aku suka gila pic ni zalick, emon and aku 
kisah disebalik action ni zalick sakit mata, emon hidung tersumbat, aku telinga tak berapa nak clear la..hehe
korang bangun lambat aku dah pi appoinment dengan doctor kat KL tu nak gerak tak sampai hati coz nyenyak ja korang tidur so i decide untuk pergi dulu but doctor tu pesan suruh datang masa Christmas nanti, aku dah book VIP room untuk korang yea !!! hahaha..only we know it ;)

friends forever shhhhhh !!!! itulah tema for this pic but i don't know why emon and zalick buat different dari kitorang ;) hehe

ok you guys hanya ini sahaja yang aku mampu untuk uploaded, ada banyak lagi actually but biarla dia tersemat dalam camera aku tu ja..huh penat juga upload pics ni, finally aku dapat menyelesaikan satu tugasan yang amat amazing buat aku tak boring langsung..hahaha 0_0 sorry kalau aku ada terkasar bahasa masa tulis entry ni just for fun don't keep it seriously yea


Monday 19 December 2011

Past is Past !!!!

Hari ni aku ada terbaca entry my besties if i can stand beside you dear i will say sabar ehhh ini semua dugaan tuhan kita hanya merancang and Allah yang menentukan even dia dah buat kat you macam tu just let her go and say goodbye for what you nak looking forward about her just waste your time sweetie. Don't worry la you still have so many friends that can support you from back include me yea ;) nobody's perfect in this world kalau dia ingat dia dah happy dengan kehidupan dia sekarang alhamdulillah la, lagipon nak judge lebih-lebih pon tak boleh juga coz kita pon ada kekurangan juga, kang aku punya pahala akan berkurangan pulak ceeeyhhh buat serupa pahala aku banyak dah..hehe 0_0 jangan la fikir sangat tentang problem ni past is past now just live your life coz masa depan kita masih jauh lagi banyak cubaan yang akan datang tanpa kita expect !!! btw, i sedih baca entry you tu i pon jadi sentap tiba-tiba please for enrique iglesias waaaahhh nampak sebut pasal hero aku teros terpancar senyuman ikhlas di muka yang tak berapa nak awesome ni 0_0 kalau you baca entry ni i really hope that it will give you some peaceful ok !!!
~ Lots of Love by Red Queen Diaries ~
The awkward moment when you know the full lyrics of over 100 songs, but can't answer 10 questions of your test. eeeehhhh macam betol ja statement ni korang rasa tak macam dia ni perli kita ja damn !!!
just write this quote to make you guys smile on your face 0_0 baru looking beautiful..hehe..
Peace yaaaaaww !!!!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Come On Crash Your Party !!!!

Crash Your Party by Karmin

Let's sing along guys 0_0
We love you Amy and Nick !!!!!

Who do you think you are, a super STAR? Who do you think you are, you can kiss my oh my gah! All eyes on you tonight So let's toast to you, you got so much to prove And you say, everyone's got a price That's how you get your way if not there's hell to pay
You're gonna huff and puff and blow the whole house down Don't they know you're the king of the castle The nerve of some people To think we're all equal 911 it's me to the rescue If I don't speak who's gonna tell you Oh yea I gotta let you know
I'm here to crash your party You think you're the star of the show But I'm about to let you know I'm here to crash your party The bigger you are the harder you fall, oh you had it all Before I crashed your party
Who do you think you are, a super S-T-A-R? Who do you think you are, you can kiss my oh my gah! You're so misunderstood Cause you're so complex, you and your complex and you claim your so low key Well you coulda fooled me, Mister TMZ
Come on show em how you huff and puff and blow the whole house down Don't 'they know you're the king of the castle They nerve of some people To think we're all equal 911 it's me to the rescue If I don't speak who's gonna tell you Oh yea I gotta let you know
I'm here to crash your party You think you're the star of the show But I'm about to let you know I'm here to crash your party The bigger you are the harder you fall, oh you had it all Before I crashed your party
Who do you think you are, a super S-T-A-R? Who do you think you are, you can kiss my oh my gah! kiss my oh my gah, kiss my oh my gah, kiss my oh my gah,kiss my oh my gah,! Sittin' on the top of the world you got the best view Livin' life with a cheat sheet, nobody test you, huh? Your mind is a mess, heart is a chess piece Movin' down the board now I'm takin' down the king of the castle While I'm on top of this beat I dazzle How could you ever conceive I'd razzle up — 'nuff of that beef Now I'm gonna tweak out — Now you better peace out Cause I gotta full house, yeah baby Four of a kind, there's no room in my life for an ego your size
I'm here to crash your party You think you're the star of the show But I'm about to let you know I'm here to crash your party The bigger you are the harder you fall, oh you had it all Before I crashed your party!

Saturday 17 December 2011

Awwww I Can't Stand Anymore

wheeeeppsss you guys meet me again yaw !!! the aim to write this entry coz of aku rindu gila kat si Noh Hujan Kembara tu ya allah nak kata pi tengok kat sekolah dah tak sekolah takkan nak gagahkan diri pi tunggu dia tiap-tiap hari depan sekolah, dulu zaman sekolah boleh la lepak tepi longkang sambil makan jambu waaahhh kata si emon kat Twitter " gang longkang selamanya tak gituuuu ", hmmm bukan takat tak tahu no phone account facebook pon tak lepas lagi entah kat mana la dia sembunyi dah macam main seek and hide pulak ni bro 0_0 aku just harap dia dalam keadaan baik and hopefully dia ada lagi tahun depan boleh minta tolong adik aku untuk spy dia waaahhh nampak betapa pulonnya aku ni kesian aku tengok dari jauh ja ;) nanti adik aku walkie talkie la dengan aku apa susahnya..hehe..poyo ja dah tak dak kerja kan ?? haaaiiissshhh try tolong mak buat choki-choki kan bagus, aaaiikkk sejak bila la my mom jadi owner choki-choki ni ridiculous ok !!! so what's about you guys mesti korang pon rindu sama orang yang korang admire ;) tak pa nanti kita kat university haaaa ambik kau just choose ja yang mana korang berkenan agak-agak macam Tom Cruise sikit korang sapu la ok !! hahaha just kidding janji orang tu baik hati ok peace yaw 0_0
the end of my story, i'm trying to create this entry for you guys sedangkan aku tahu sekarang orang tengah mimpi yang indah aku pula tercegat depan laptop and jadi burung hantu apa kes, always follow my update to know my life like what ?? keep in touch with you guys !!!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Terharuuuuu Mendengar !!!!

Korang mesti tertanya-tanya why entry aku kali ni tajuk dia macam ni mai aku nak story dengan korang semua ok, nak jadi talkactive sikit ;) hehe..hmm biasala routine harian aku buat kerja rumah then online selagi mampu lepas tu aku buka la aku punya blogger yang gempak ni then tengok kat dashboard wahhhh ohmycoach my besties updated blog dan dia story morry tentang aku and all my friends btw, i really touching when read it and have no words to say i can't stand without you guys coz all of you are my awesome friends i ever had thanks for everything yaw !!!
i'm here without you baby wahhh nyanyi sikit untuk korang lama kita tak busking kan ?? huhu miss moment dalam kelas yes damn miss lolz unforgettable momento what can i say i love all my teachers thanks for teaching me tanpa jemu tanpa letih boleh dikatakan mengajar kitorang sampai suara jadi rockkkk habis gituuu 0_0 miss nak rehat sama-sama sambil memandang angah and awie hahaha !!! dedicated to the only one of my sweet doughnut si emon..hehe ;) zalick seorang yang chill tapi sekali keluar berapi tayar lori ceyhhh lori tak ingat ka ?? kontraktor ?? ok back to our story aku dah merapu sampai korang tak boleh catch my words..huhu..terlampau banyak sangat la kenangan manis bersama kawan-kawan aku ni sampai tak boleh nak explain yang paling penting korang kena tahu I LOVE YOU no matter what happen i will keep in touch with korang ok !!! when duduk rumah kempunan pulak nak pergi sekolah, bila masa sekolah fikir bila la nak habis sekolah now kau dah rasakan cik atikah oiiii !!! shame on you babe ;) mesti korang pon rasa macam aku kan arghhhh can we turn back to our time and make fun ?? korang search google untuk tahu boleh ka tak boleh ?? hehe gotchaaaa !!! just kidding lolz kalau kita ada jodoh sampaila jodoh kita nanti ok girls chill dulu yea ;) yang penting kita enjoy our life no sedih-sedih ok.
muuuaahhhhhh banyak untuk korang peace yaw !!!!!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Terminat Lebih Pulak !!!!!

Today's entry aku nak sharing dengan korang tentang fashion designer sorang ni argghhhh boleh sawan aku dibuatnya ni, entahla nowadays aku merasakan something different la wahhh !!! actually tiba-tiba ja aku minat lebih kat si Hatta Dolmat ni nak kata famous, famous lagi la dia dari aku maklomla designer terkemuka kat Malaysia ni cerita pasal wedding ja mesti orang akan tarik dia, mashyyuuukkk habis la dia ni tak pa rezeki dia alhamdulillah ;) btw, yang boleh aku story kat sini he's a nice person and caring ceyhhh dah macam aku kenal dia lama pulak but hope dia macam tu la kan ?? for your information i'm always looking forward about him but tak boleh fight dengan my hero la Enrique Iglesias yang ni semua aku forward backward semua ada !! hehe
Let's cuci mata 0_0

Hatta Dolmat Couture

Kalau korang rasa nak buat tempahan for wedding, ni la tempatnya awesome habis !!!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Cakkk !! I'm Back ;)

wahhhhh after SPM ni terus aku lenyap entah ke mana blogger pon tidak tumblr pon tidak twitter pon tidak apa kes ni ?? hehe..actually aku no idea la nak create new entry ni but hari ni aku try to create coz blogger aku dah lama tidak dikemaskinikan oleh owner dia..huhu..
after over ja kitorang punya favorite exam tu terus kitorang fly ke Melaka and KL coz last year buat kitorang sebagai student convent ni ;) hehehe " habis sekolah, ehhh macam tak percaya ja ? " ni lah dikatakan lumrah hidup kita sebagai insan di muka bumi yang indah wahhh macam puitis gituuu..hehe
so sepanjang kitorang menjejakkan kaki kat tempat orang banyak precious moment yang kitorang do it, memang no words la kalau aku nak story ni terlalu indah dalam hidup aku and it will be stuck in my mind everlasting and permanent la !! aku takkan lupakan korang semua ok don't worry babe ;) alaaaa dunia ni besar mana la sangat pi sana pi sini kat situ juga kita..yang penting korang semua jangan lupa diri ok kot-kot la salah sorang dari kawan aku ni ada yang jadi artis ka or orang terkenal di persada dunia hollywood lolz.
ohhh one more thing mesti korang wonder why atikah tak upload pics lagi ni ?? hehe
for your information my cable camera now flying away from me..hehe..means ada kat abang aku ok apa-apa nanti aku roger korang yea !!!

Friday 2 December 2011

New Vampire

Stephenie Meyer officially confirmed that Mackenzie Foy is the little girl casted to play Renesmee Cullen in the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Movie.
Mackenzie is 9 years old and she has been modeling since she was 4 years old. Some of her work has been with Ralph Lauren, Guess Kids and Disney. She has also played small parts in some TV Series and TV Commercials.

♥  Can't wait to see you in the Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 2  ♥