Monday 19 December 2011

Past is Past !!!!

Hari ni aku ada terbaca entry my besties if i can stand beside you dear i will say sabar ehhh ini semua dugaan tuhan kita hanya merancang and Allah yang menentukan even dia dah buat kat you macam tu just let her go and say goodbye for what you nak looking forward about her just waste your time sweetie. Don't worry la you still have so many friends that can support you from back include me yea ;) nobody's perfect in this world kalau dia ingat dia dah happy dengan kehidupan dia sekarang alhamdulillah la, lagipon nak judge lebih-lebih pon tak boleh juga coz kita pon ada kekurangan juga, kang aku punya pahala akan berkurangan pulak ceeeyhhh buat serupa pahala aku banyak dah..hehe 0_0 jangan la fikir sangat tentang problem ni past is past now just live your life coz masa depan kita masih jauh lagi banyak cubaan yang akan datang tanpa kita expect !!! btw, i sedih baca entry you tu i pon jadi sentap tiba-tiba please for enrique iglesias waaaahhh nampak sebut pasal hero aku teros terpancar senyuman ikhlas di muka yang tak berapa nak awesome ni 0_0 kalau you baca entry ni i really hope that it will give you some peaceful ok !!!
~ Lots of Love by Red Queen Diaries ~
The awkward moment when you know the full lyrics of over 100 songs, but can't answer 10 questions of your test. eeeehhhh macam betol ja statement ni korang rasa tak macam dia ni perli kita ja damn !!!
just write this quote to make you guys smile on your face 0_0 baru looking beautiful..hehe..
Peace yaaaaaww !!!!

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