Saturday 28 January 2012

Fashion Icon

I really admire these two fabulous young women and they both have incredible dress sense. I don't really need to write too much about them because everyone knows who these fashion icons and talented designers are. I also posted an interview about their label " The Row " that I found, which really inspires me.
I remember watching the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies and " Two of a Kind " with my little sister when I was younger and have always been a huge fan. Thus, I felt it necessary to devote a post to their stunning style.

♥ ♥ ♥   Stay awesome ok, i heart both of you   ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday 27 January 2012

Glad To Heard That

Its been a long time aku tak menjamah blog ni, actually boleh dikatakan everyday aku online kat pc but just have no idea what i want to create entry in this blog and today is the day babe, lets create and have fun yea 
aku ada terbaca entry salah seorang dari blogwalker aku, memang first tu unbelievable la bagi aku, serious nak percaya ke tak apa yang dia created and now finally i'm so grateful that you're met the truth way ;) tu la kata pepatah orang putih " don't judge a book by its cover " kita memang tak tahu sama ada orang tu berubah atau tak, selama ni kita selalu tengok keburukan dia now dia dah berubah siapa sangka dengan penghijrahan yang dia lalui maybe akan memberi dia seribu makna dalam hidup, dunia hanya sementera, akhirat selamanya yang tu la my parents selalu remind aku, memang tak dinafikan lagi bahawa dunia akhir zaman, semua petanda kita dah tengok but people just ignore it and still working on with innocent style, take note as you want guys.

i will support you coz you make a good choice Ezad ;)
i love you with my sincerely heart and take care wherever you're.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Whaaaaaachaaa !!!!!

assalamualaikum everyone who's walking in my blog, don't forget to wear shoes yea dear..haha..just kidding, whooaaa lamanya tak meghiasi and mencoretkan ridiculous stuff at my blogger ni rasa rindu pulak sama dia wooo hooo O_O actually bukan apa aku just sibuk dengan wedding abang aku yang tak lama lagi akan berlangsung maklomla anak sulung babe mestilah rasa macam awkward sikit, mana taknya rumah pon tak bercat lagi, baju pon tak bertempah lagi, wedding stuff pon tak ber-packing lagi ayoyo nak jadi apa ni haaishhh letih rasanya, nasib baik zaman moden semua catering yang settle kan kalau tak berewang la kita ramai-ramai disini but i think yang ni lebih meriah and fun barula banyak nostalgia gituuuu..hehe..seriously aku cakap sekarang rumah aku dah bersepah and tak terurus lagi, kesian tengok sofa-sofa yang menjadi mangsa untuk meletakkan barang sabar ehhh biar susah dahulu, senang kemudian ok nanti aku belanja korang Domino's Pizza yang tu ja la aku nak share pon tak dak budget dah nak menulis panjang-panjang ni kalau untuk hero aku " Enrique Iglesias " tak pa la aku tulis banyak mana aku suka whoaaaa gituuu, for your information nyny i really miss you damn miss you, nanti aku pergi jumpa hang kat boutique tu ok, ambooiihhh lepas ni VS stuff la orang tu..hehe..

Friday 6 January 2012

Flynn Bloom Born This Way

The first son of the couple who produced the perfect Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr, there's no denying that the children of the couple is very cute Flynn Bloom and soon he will grow up and i'm sure that he will grow well and be a man that have the appearance of a very charming, and today was Flynn Bloom birthday boy so i take this opportunity to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY, even he didn't know who i am but i'm sure that he know today's his birthday and he will celebrate with his beloved family how lucky you are cute boy ?
Here is some of Flynn Bloom pics whooaaaa so damn cute and chubby !!!

awwwww so sad face but still charming melting O_O
i book him already yea girls out there !!! huhu

both of them is so adorable and fantastic 
i love them so much, yes damn much ok ;)

love this one so cute with his snow cap he looks like " round baby " haha
look at his face such as good boy and polite whooaa !!!!

now they live with a happy family ever after so sweet 
Orlando Bloom married to Miranda Kerr and now get the cuties baby boy Flynn Bloom

ok the end of my birthday wish to " Flynn Bloom " hope he will be a good son as his parents want to. what can i say now is i really love all of them coz they're inspired me every moment in my life. whoooaaaa over excited..haha..shame on me ok !!!! take care everyone 0_0

Thursday 5 January 2012

Spend My Time With ..........

assalamualaikum kawan-kawan blogger aku yang awesome ni O_O hari ni aku nak share sikit apa yang aku nak selama aku hidup di bumi yang indah ini, maybe korang pon pernah rasa apa yang aku rasa kan ? aku teringin sangat nak travel sampai aku muak huh maybe takkan pernah muak kot coz so many beautiful places in this world but kita ja yang tak tahu, yang korang tahu Paris coz nak tengok Eiffel Tower then nak shopping sana memang tak dinafikan la tempat dia memang cantik aku pon nak juga but yang tu tak bererti semua orang nak pergi kat situ and semua orang mampu kan, yang aku selalu buat statements just macam ni ja " heading in Penang now, heading in KL now " habiisss bajet la katakan teringin juga nak buat statements macam ni pulak " heading in LA now " waaaa tak gituuu, cerita pasal mampu ni kan aku rasa aku pon tak termampu kot and tak termimipi aku nak pergi tempat macam tu ehhh mimpi Germany ja aku..huhu.. how sad i am but don't give up ok tuah manusia tak siapa yang tahu ok waaaa buat pepatah mari kita pergi travel nak tak but kat gambar ja la..haha..gotcha !!! just kidding ok, i know certain daripada korang semua mampu kan no doubt ok, yang mampu tu paauu la apa-apa souvenir kat sana ok wooo hoo muka tak malu gila ni innocent face 0_0 just buat selamba ja ok !!!!!

awwww where can i find this beautiful place seriously so perfect to relax my mind
hope one day i will reach this place wait for me ok ;) hehe

no doubt again, peaceful place ever and ever so romantics the view melting now 
ni kalau layan iPod aku best juga rasanya weeepppheeeyyy babe !!!!

another perfect view ohh my god thanks for giving us beautiful gift so meaningful in my life.
I am very thankful that God has given me the opportunity to step foot on this beautiful earth.

 ehhhh lupa pulak this stuff yang ni wajib kita bawa ok kang kena halau balik rumah ja..hehe
the first stuff that i need to be there when i travel is my iPod that I carry the most compulsory yes absolutely, second stuff is my lappy weee haaa yang ni memang important la coz nanti macam mana aku nak communicate and sharing dengan korang kan ? hmmm actually banyak lagi la yang aku nak list but perlukah aku nak buat semua tu rasanya tak kot coz korang pon tahu la..hehe..oooppssss one more thing is tidak lupa kepada novel-novel yang telah membawa aku ke alam yang horrible tu..hehe..

ok sampai disini dulu la yea nanti kita sharing lagi ok kalau ada masa btw, to all my friends yang dapat PLKN tu selamat ber-travel yea mesti gempak korang punya pengalaman kan, good luck dear in everything that you doing just keep in touch and have self-confidence ok !!

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year at Restaurant Pen Mutiara !!!

hooolaaahoop !!! macam mana korang punya new year celebration gempak habis kan, aku happy sangat even whole family harus menghadapi kesesakkan yang teramat sangat kat Penang tu but my dad teruskan drive dengan jiwa yang tenang sambil melayan perasaan waaa gituuu ;), this year we celebrated at my uncle's restaurant " Restoran Pen Mutiara " diorang buat party sikit alhamdulillah happy sangat thanks for invited us ok, boleh juga aku tengok fireworks dari Australia bukan senang tu, so aku pon ambil kesempatan la, kalau nak pergi Australia hmmm hampeeehh..haha..budget tak cukup lagi maaa kalau ada rezeki inshaallah sampaila tu ;) btw, aku ingat nak pergi Hard Rock Penang sekali jam kat Batu Ferinngi terus kitorang canceled hasrat yang awesome nak pergi, sedih sikit ja kalau tak mesti aku boleh jumpa Hatta Dolmat and adik dia Sofi Dolmat dah arghhhh mad gila !!! hmmm nak buat macam mana dah jalan jam, rasa macam nak buat macam dalam game pon ada, langgar ja semua kereta kat depan..hehe..alam mana aku duduk ni sampai nak buat macam tu sekali teruk punya fikiran babe O_O so, aku pon tak nak story banyak sangat coz terlampau banyak sangat moment yang cool, so lets cuci mata with pics yang tak berapa nak awesome ni ;) hehe..1,2,3 here we go !!!

 waaaa abah azri ni feeling habis huh boleh masok The Voice kalau macam ni gayanya tak pa nanti kakak register ok ;) hehe..apa-apa pon your voice so romantics lolz that's why your wife fall in love with you.

 ni la owner " Restoran Pen Mutiara " haaa yang ni lagi style, feeling dalam hati habis kot try tengok muka dia pon dah tahu yang dia dapat menjiwai lagu tersebut..haha..kalau dia baca habis aku ni ;) just kidding uncle peace ok !!!

ohhhh no this is my abah sampai kawan-kawan aku pon panggil abah juga..hehe..korang awesome la, tengok pic abah aku ni handsome juga ehhh yang penting peace mesti kena ada ok ;) hehe I LOVE YOU ABAH, thanks for everything that you've done in family 0_0 muuuaaahhhh sikit sama abah !!!

yeeeeeaaahhh ini bonda tercinta aku, dah macam puteri UMNO pulak aku tengok ni merah gituuu macam tahu ja aku suka red colour ;) hehe..bonda nak pergi perjumpaan ka nanti kakak hantar ok..haha..poyo ja aku ni bluuuppp bluuuuppp !!! I LOVE YOU BONDA and thanks for everything also coz you prepared all my stuff and for whole family without you maybe i'm not live in this world ;) muaaahhh sikit sama bonda

 cutenya dia ;) kat sana dialah paling glamorous coz orang tu pegang then orang ni pulak pegang aku suka gila kat dia dah la cute pakai skirt pulak tu then pakai topi apa entah aku pon tak tahu nak describe but yang penting stay cute maaaaa ;) hope kita jumpa lagi ok.

my bravo uncles..hehe..thanks for prepared the delicious food i love it even aku tak makan banyak sangat but i know it so tasty hmmmm so yummy !!! btw, dia la orang kuat kat restaurant tu, decoration part semua my uncle yang managed gempak la both of you ;) hehe

muka apakah ini, adakah new year face serious so ugly ok cik atikah oiii !! hehe..nampak judge diri sendiri style maaaa ;) pics ni after kitorang tengok fireworks maybe mata aku dah dimasuki habuk mercun, so just ignore ja kat pic ni kalau korang tak suka actually aku pon tak berapa suka but post pi la nak bagi nampak banyak pics sikit..hehe..selenger ja !!!

 waaaaaa gadis semasa..hehe..ayang akhirnya dapat juga candid berdiri..haha..ssshhhhh !!!
dahla kita tak dapat on kat Hard Rock tak pa nanti kita overnight kat sana ok ;)

 ehhhh ibu nampak muda la pulak kitorang pulak nampak macam matured..hehe..just kidding
hati masih muda tak gituuuuu..huhu..kalau dengan family kita pergi karaoke ok kalau kat restoran seganla ramai pulak peminatnya nanti waaaa nampak tak keperasanan ni 0_0

why semua buat tangan macam tu gang Lady Gaga ehhh ??
btw, semua cutie mutie ja amboooii puji diri sendiri..haha ;)

That's all for today hope you enjoy your new year ok, and make sure you have new year resolutions if not you will not get what you want in your life ;) kenangan pertama yang tercipta in 2012 yang tak dapat aku lupakan thanks for all my lovely family and my sporting siblings i'm so happy for that tahnks for everything ok.