Tuesday 22 November 2011

Recipe Of Love

I never thought that this love we need a recipe. i actually do not know about love it is because i never want to marry pounds more but i do not like some people close excited outside there and some of you was said that love gives us a lump reason to rein in their last heart is due we spoiled them for. this is all man made romance ? some people say that love is fun then after that love also is the most beautiful gift in our lives, so we have to appreciate the award given by the Gods ! maybe i was agree with this statements as i said !
love also make people crazy and can do anything that they want in their life.
but when we lose the happily, joyful and momentous day, this is the time that i hate it the sadness will swamp us ohhhh no ! everyone will always show the ugly face..hehehe
so i am not mistaken if i want to share something with you in love right ?

i really adore with this ingredients <3
 it always make me stare with all the statements coz it give useful things
everyone in this world will have their own way, that i'm right ?

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