Monday 23 May 2011

Can't be Waiting !!

i like this books lolz
like that was a fairytale..i really want someone hmmm no matter who they are, can read for me this book like bedtime story ! awww like a childish but sweet moments ok !

yes tomorrow abang chik aku nak balik dari university dia ! happy gila kot, diorang cuti sem that's why dapat balik..hmmm lepas ni turn kitorang pulak school holiday but Form 5 still go to school coz of kelas tambahan !
baru nak plan tidur lewat malam..haha..maklomla kitorang nak bergosip..hehe.." Gossip Girl " la katakan..but how about abang chik nak call " Gossip Girl " juga ke ? ohh goshhh minta simpang ok ! my bro still normal like the other guys ok ! hahaha
by the way this Thursday sekolah kitorang adakan Tamrin Ruhiyyah means Qiamullail ok ! hope berjalan dengan lancar yea ! lagipun ni last year buat kitorang yang berumur 17 years old, maklomla dah nak habis sekolah..hehe..this time la kitorang nak rasakan detik-detik manis kat sekolah..hehe

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