Friday 18 March 2011

Back to School ............ !!

ohhh no ! juz tinggal satu hari ja lagi untuk " back to school "
along this holiday juz stayed at home like a good girl..haha
but now have to prepared back all that stuff for school
hmmm but i think when the school begin maybe certain students in my school " Convent Father Barre "
promote sikit school ni..maklomlah dah 11 tahun di sana..hmmm i think i forgot something,
oh yea maybe certain students will busy with their " kawad kaki " huh..
tired will begin again ! how it come ?? 
dah la dengan " Hari Kokurikulum " lagi..seems like badly i think, opssssss sorry too much yea !
ok la apa-apa pon this is the last year for us, so we have to enjoy a lot although " SPM " will coming soon
huuuuuuuu so scared and nervous..hehe..but now that " bahang " tak datang lagi !
and one more thing hopefully " the canteen " will changed yea
when im coming back for some of works i want to see the " transformation " hahaha

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