Sunday, 29 May 2011

Listen it !

Written in The Star by Tinie Tempah

Rolling in The Deep by Adele

Look At Me Now by Lil Wayne feat Chris Brown

i love all this song especially Written in The Star and Rolling in The Deep !
best ever songs :) but Look At Me Now, pergghhhh !! what the hell they trying to say !
laju, pantas, cepat gila kot ! but salute la kat Karmin yang nyanyi lagu ni ! not bad kot
hmmmm bukan not bad lagi dah kot bagi aku memang powerful habis la korang ni !!!!!

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Miss Qiamullail !

huh berakhirnya malam qiamullail yang memberi kesan sedikit keinsafan dan mengantuk yang teramat sangat ! haha..actually yang mengantuk sangat coz of kitorang tak berapa nak tidur sangat..hehe..aku punya la berusaha nak close my eyes but unfortunately begitu banyak nyamuk yang telah menggigit aku sehinggala aku tergaru-garu yea ! btw zalick sorry la kalau aku mengganggu tidur hang..hehe..aku tengok hang tidur macam best ja..tak turn the left and turn the right pon ! di malam yang dingin kitorang telah dihadiri oleh penceramah yang the best ever la, USTAZ FATHUR ! sedap nama dia and dia pon not bad ! memang ustaz ni la kitorang nantikan !!
perghhhhhh !!!!!! dia bagi ceramah yang membuatkan semua students form 3 and form 5 tangkap leleh habis..siapa yang tak mengalir air mata, tak tahu la nak cakap apa kan ? maybe tiada deria kot ! hehe..aku menangis YA ALLAH sedu habis..lama aku tak nangis macam tu..sebelum tu, ustaz suruh kitorang berdiri then lepas aku menangis aku terasa sesuatu iaitu lutut aku menjadi lemah dan tidak mampu untuk berdiri lagi lalu aku pon duduk then diikuti oleh ezard dan seterusnya kawan-kawan aku..hehe..masa tu no words la yang bunyi ! memang ada sedikit keinsafan la buat kitorang..memang aku tak sanggup nak cerita kat korang apa yang dia cakap masa ceramah sedang dijalankan sungguh mennyentuh lubuk hati aku ! memang best gila ustaz tu ! tak jemu mata memandang, tak jemu telinga mendengar, tak jemu message yang disampaikan !
hari berikutnya ! ingat ceramah ni best la juga ! sekali dengar aku rasa bila la nak pukul 11.00 ni !
seriously cakap la kan memang boring sangat sampai tak menarik perhatian aku langsung..hmmm aku rasa bukan aku sorang saja but boleh dikatakan semua orang la ! dah la pasang lagu yang zaman dia ja..try la buat something different ! ceramah ni kan kena ikut isu semasa bukannya ikut zaman dia ! hehe..marah ni !
but its ok at least dia try to motivate kitorang tapi kitorang yang motivate diri sendiri such as tidur ! hehe
tapi best sangat memang aku takkan lupa that moments sampai bila-bila ! ya la ni last year buat kitorang untuk berkumpul sama-sama, lepas ni semua ikut haluan masing-masing pulak kan ?

Monday, 23 May 2011

Can't be Waiting !!

i like this books lolz
like that was a fairytale..i really want someone hmmm no matter who they are, can read for me this book like bedtime story ! awww like a childish but sweet moments ok !

yes tomorrow abang chik aku nak balik dari university dia ! happy gila kot, diorang cuti sem that's why dapat balik..hmmm lepas ni turn kitorang pulak school holiday but Form 5 still go to school coz of kelas tambahan !
baru nak plan tidur lewat malam..haha..maklomla kitorang nak bergosip..hehe.." Gossip Girl " la katakan..but how about abang chik nak call " Gossip Girl " juga ke ? ohh goshhh minta simpang ok ! my bro still normal like the other guys ok ! hahaha
by the way this Thursday sekolah kitorang adakan Tamrin Ruhiyyah means Qiamullail ok ! hope berjalan dengan lancar yea ! lagipun ni last year buat kitorang yang berumur 17 years old, maklomla dah nak habis sekolah..hehe..this time la kitorang nak rasakan detik-detik manis kat sekolah..hehe

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Mystery Guy !!

seriously this man was make me always staring at him ! 
actually i dont know who this guy, im just know him at EI site
his name im not sure, maklomla dia from Turkey mana aku tahu sangat nak sebut nama diorang ni !
hmmm dah la satu country dengan my friend from Izmir, Turkey juga ! hehe
ok let's see his pics !

 look at him..awwww aku suka gila tengok his face
for me he has a good looking i think but dont know for you guys to give some compliment or not ?

 ceyhhhh dah nampak macam artist pulak..haha
photoshoot la kot but still cute..hehe

 aishhhh tak nak ajak aku join sekali ka ?
sombong la mamat Turkey ni ! arghhhhhh !!!!
sorry for you guys dont misunderstanding on me ok !
im just his fans, not fall in LOVE !!! got it ????

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Rizalman Ibrahim

you are so fabulous uncle ! i was proud of you no matter who i am ? haha
Rizalaman Ibrahim seorang designer yang paling famous in Malaysia ! woooooo !!!
try look at this pics ?

 is that yours uncle rizal ?? ohhh gossshhh ! im so so jealous on you
look at that ! all the branded one ! hmmm ohhh aku terlihat ada GUCCI, LV, PRADA, JUICY, CHANEL and so on ! no no no dah naik juling pulak aku tengok semua ni ! then dah la letak beg tu macam tu ja, at least letak la dalam closet or wardrobe ka ? kalau la aku ada semua ni aku akan jaga diorang like a QUEEN ok !

 this wedding was so perfect and elegant ! it's really cool and nice..i love it uncle rizal !
people out there must called you Fabulousity by Rizalman Ibrahim
nanti boleh la tolong buatkan wedding kitorang plak ok but dont charge expensive ok ! hahaha

 hahaha yang ni paling aku suka..jahat la umer nail ! ada ka patut dia bagi this card kat daddy dia !
dengan cek pulak tu ! wow 1,000,000 ??? what the hell is it ? 
actually benda ni saja dia buat for daddy dia just for fun ! haha kesian uncle rizal kena tipu macam tu ja !

this Rizalman Ibrahim ! nampak tak beg yang dia pegang ? actually masa ni dia ada kat London kot tak silap ? aku pon tak tahu sangat..hehe..btw yang dia pegang beg tu aku pon tak tahu brand apa, tak dapat dikesan actually but nampak macam Prada ja or Chanel or LV argghhhh entah la aku just guess semua benda tu..haha ! sighhhhhhh !!!!!!!
tak pa la, uncle rizal kan rich people so tak kisah kalau uncle rizal nak beli the branded stuff
so now i wanna close my story until here first
maybe will continue on the next time ok !

My every Fear !

  • If i told you my every fear would you respect me ?
  • If i told you my every fear would you disagree with me ?
  • If i told you my every fear would you agree me ?
  • Would you tell me, i have no reason to fear these things ?
  • Would you tell me these are not legitimate fears ?
  • Would you be mad at me for fearing these things ?
  • Would you tell me to grow up ?
  • Would you convince me to stop ?
  • Would you call me hypocrite ?
  • Would you hate me for the things that i have done ?
  • If i told you my every fear, would you even care ?

    Sunday, 15 May 2011

    I Got Victoria's Secret !


    actually that stuff yang aku dapat lolz from my beloved sis..haha
    thank you so much Kak really appreciate it what you give for me yesterday..hehe
    masa dapat speechless kot..firstly aku just tengok " body lotion " and " refreshing "..then aku tengok la brands dia maklomla aku ni jenis suka tengok benda yang ada brands sikit..hahaha..belagak gila aku ni..whatever !
    then sekali aku tengok oh goshhh !! VICTORIA'S SECRET ?? who dont know that popular international brand ni kan ? wow memang agak expensive sikit la but tak sangka aku dapat VICTORIA'S SECRET !
    walaupun its just perfume and body lotion ja, bagi aku arghhhhh grateful gila !
    thanks sangat sangat Kak Ecah ! hope nanti bagi baju dia plak..hehehe
    hmmmmm lepas dapat this stufff maybe lepas ni jadi VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGELS plak kot ??
    hahaha kidding lolz..impossible aku jadi macam diorang..

    Thursday, 12 May 2011

    New Single of my Hero !

    Dirty Dancer by Enrique Iglesias feat Usher and Lil Wayne

    actually dah lama aku dengar this song kat dia punya site maklomla  " my hero " hehe..but it just preview only not full enough !
    and now the moment that im waiting, finally the new single of Enrique Iglesias is now available in USA ! the title of this song is " Dirty Dancer "..sounds like cool ! hehe
    hope you guys will enjoy and support him like me lol, but don't too much i will get mad on you and will freakin damn jealous ok ! huhu

    Identical Twins by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

    hmmm actually this part tak dak kena mengena pon dengan my hero..just wanna post them !
    awwwww so sweet this " Olsen Twins " cute both of them lolz !
    try to listen and understand this lyrics..funny and nice words..hehe
    i love it ! love you guys ashley olsen and mary-kate olsen !

    Let's see their pics !

    Monday, 2 May 2011

    A big Congrats !

    A happy day for me when i know that my hubby or known as " Enrique Iglesias " got a big awards..
    ohhh gosh Enrique takes home 9 Latin Billboard Awards..WOW ! its really really cool dear ! good job !!
    you're a grandiose singer ever..CONGRATULATIONS MY HERO ! hehehe..too much sorry yea !
    anyway you are the best Latin's singer that i have known..keep it up really happy for you and proud of always give the best for your fans and sure that you always choose the right way ok !