Thursday, 19 May 2011

Rizalman Ibrahim

you are so fabulous uncle ! i was proud of you no matter who i am ? haha
Rizalaman Ibrahim seorang designer yang paling famous in Malaysia ! woooooo !!!
try look at this pics ?

 is that yours uncle rizal ?? ohhh gossshhh ! im so so jealous on you
look at that ! all the branded one ! hmmm ohhh aku terlihat ada GUCCI, LV, PRADA, JUICY, CHANEL and so on ! no no no dah naik juling pulak aku tengok semua ni ! then dah la letak beg tu macam tu ja, at least letak la dalam closet or wardrobe ka ? kalau la aku ada semua ni aku akan jaga diorang like a QUEEN ok !

 this wedding was so perfect and elegant ! it's really cool and nice..i love it uncle rizal !
people out there must called you Fabulousity by Rizalman Ibrahim
nanti boleh la tolong buatkan wedding kitorang plak ok but dont charge expensive ok ! hahaha

 hahaha yang ni paling aku suka..jahat la umer nail ! ada ka patut dia bagi this card kat daddy dia !
dengan cek pulak tu ! wow 1,000,000 ??? what the hell is it ? 
actually benda ni saja dia buat for daddy dia just for fun ! haha kesian uncle rizal kena tipu macam tu ja !

this Rizalman Ibrahim ! nampak tak beg yang dia pegang ? actually masa ni dia ada kat London kot tak silap ? aku pon tak tahu sangat..hehe..btw yang dia pegang beg tu aku pon tak tahu brand apa, tak dapat dikesan actually but nampak macam Prada ja or Chanel or LV argghhhh entah la aku just guess semua benda tu..haha ! sighhhhhhh !!!!!!!
tak pa la, uncle rizal kan rich people so tak kisah kalau uncle rizal nak beli the branded stuff
so now i wanna close my story until here first
maybe will continue on the next time ok !


  1. huish hebat la diaa tikah.jeleeeessss ;( tlg kirim salam kat pakcik aku nie nah.hehe ;)

  2. ok inshallah but dia jarang la balik Penang, maklomla orang KL..hehe
    tahu tak pa tengok la all high taste..mana layan tepi jalan :)
