Friday 21 October 2011

No Doubt !!!

 awwww Enrique don't be sad dear i will be there for you but not now hmm maybe one day
" ewwww gediknya ayat ni " hehehe

 damn jealous see both of them !!
but it's ok coz Nicole already taken by Hamilton..hahaha

handsomenya hero aku ni tak jemu mata aku memandang ;)


  1. wey ni rancangan yg hg bgtaw aku tu kan.yg kat 8TV tuuuu! btoi dak? ;D

  2. hmmm maybe kot aku pon dah lupa la nyny but aku just tengok balik kat youtube..hehe ;)btw i love your song kat blog..hehe..bra berharga 7.28 juta wow memang sampai mati pon aku takkan dapat beli how's lucky la miranda kerr dapat pakai bra tu. hahaha ;)berlian pulak tu ish ish orlando mest like like..hehehe <3

  3. haaa rancangan ni laa.lps dah hbs the voice hg tny kat aku,aku ada tgk dak reality show nyanyi2 yg ada nicole takpa mungkin hd da lupa.hehe
    Ohhh bra tuh.phewuww.tersangat laa mahal.kalau aku dpt bra tu aku pakai kat luaq.pakai kat dlm nti org tak nmpk.haha.nak menunjuk sikit. ;)

  4. ohhh yang tu reality show " x-factor " but aku tak la follow sangat..hehe..amboi hang nak pakai kat luar..hahaha..baru la orang nampak berlian tu kan ?
