Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding of The Year !

Today was the happy ending for Prince William and Kate Middleton, April 29th 2011 ! hari paling bersejarah bagi warga kota London and so many people come to the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate..congratulations both of you..memang sesuai la diorang ni..and dont forget to watch live on tv channel TLC 707 only at ASTRO..dah la princess dia beautiful and the prince handsome..that was a fairytale for Kate Middleton..memang tidak dinafikan lagi la diorang ni patut married ! hehe..masa aku tengok parent's Prince William kahwin..WOW ! memang Princess Diana cantik sangat and speechless aku dibuatnya kot masa muda-muda hmmm but Prince Charles tak la handsome mana pon..huhu..and aku rasa one world can't be waiting to watch that Royal Wedding..yea la kita ni siapa diorang nak invite so just tengok kat tv ja la..macam mana la wedding diorang ni kan mesti la vogue ! hmmmm aku rasa Prince William ni ikut perangai mak dia coz boleh dikatakan la dia ni macam baik ja aku tengok but Prince Harry macam playboy and terlebih social pulak macam daddy dia la Prince Charles..hehe..tapi apa-apa pon hopefully diorang ni happy until the end of their life..untung Victoria and Becham coz diorang ni dijemput datang ke wedding tersebut and dont forget also Rowan Atkinson or lebih dikenali as " Mr. Bean "..come on and feel the nice moments on this pics !

Prince William and Kate Middleton

awwww memang sweet sangat diorang ni ! happy ever after and forever young ! hehe

At 11:00 am, The dream comes true ... !!
Princess ready to meet the Prince

Princess Kate Middleton and her beautiful dress

You make wanna said " I DO "

 They're so matching and looking matured

Princess Kate Middleton looking wonderful and elegant

 Prince Harry and Prince William looking happy

Happy Family ever after
Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince Charles and Princess Diana

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