Thursday 14 April 2011

I'm Old Enough ??

ohhh gosh ! tomorrow is my birthday ? unbelievable moments..masa berlalu dengan begitu cepat sekali 
ha today's my parents keluar..katanya nak beli kitchen's stuff so plan tak nak follow la
then im waiting and waiting until they come back..after they knock a door  they said " close your eyes " so im just follow their instructions so im close my eyes..then they said " SURPRISE " hahaha..blushing + speechless ! thanks mom, dad and my younger sis and dont forget my beloved bro..all of them are part of my life ever and ever !
im really appreciate what they trying to give the best for so grateful have parents like them..
penuh kasih sayang yang maybe aku tak terbalas..diorang just harap aku study elok-elok coz yang tu la masa depan aku ! so i have to grab their words and keep it until for the end of my life ! aku ni bukanlah orang berada sangat ! takla sampai nak buat party then invite orang for enjoy ! no loz..aku just simple life and not really complicated..hehe..bagi aku kalau seseorang tu ingat kita punya birthday huh ! rasa dah cukup bagi aku kot !
ohhh not yet ! hehehe

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