Saturday 9 April 2011

All Cramp ! guys wanna know why my post today " All Cramp " !
hmmm actually today my school buat merentas desa macam " run for fun " and actually tak la fun sangat..hahaha
ahhhh agak membosankan but its ok ini membantu pelancaran darah aku yang selama ini tak berapa nak lancar sangat..maklomlah orang malas exercise..hehe..
and GOOD NEWS ! aku happy + proud of my team " MEGA " hehe
aku rasa selama aku in secondary school..inilah first time im heard that " MEGA " menjadi winner for merentas teacher said " MEGA " selalu kalah coz merentas desa..hmmm i think so..hehe
anyway congarates to " MEGA " yang berpeluh tubuh semasa merentas desa dijalankan !
1st place : MEGA
2nd place : BELANTARA
3rd place : SAMUDERA
4th place " SURIA

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