Thursday, 29 March 2012

Finally I Got It

Huh mau berjanggut jugak aku tunggu video terbaru dari my hero today is the day for me and Enriquettes, aku terharu dan excited terlebih bila someone on Twitter sent link kat aku whooaaaa sekali buka ambik kau swagging to the max music video for " Naked " dah keluar maaa actually nak jerit but after tengok keliling aku urrmmm terbatal sudah niat aku untuk mengeluarkan suara yang lunak ni, hahaha bajet lagi kan kan ? Ok tanpa membuang masa aku mempersembahkan video ni actually nama lagu ni ja " Naked " but music video dia tak pon actually apa-apa pon my hero " Enrique Iglesias " looking damn hot and sexy yea ! In my opinion this video quite simple but still awesome to repeat them for a thousand times, i love you forever Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler. Cheerio and take a look guys !

Naked by Enrique Iglesias feat Dev

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Tick Tock Tick Tock ........... !!!

Saya sayang anda semua !!

Ya Allah results SPM dah nak keluar lolz just left a few days for me to footstep in school's hall, memang jantung aku dup dap dup dap tak berhenti la jadinya sure korang pon rasa kehangatan kebahangan dia kan, nak buat macam mana just face it je la dah buat dah bukan boleh patah balik pon so tawakal and don't stop praying to Allah ok wish all my friends and batch 94s will kasi results yang gempak pada tahun ini, amin ! Aku actually aku taknak discuss benda ni bagai coz dia membuatkan aku rasa lain macam ja huh sigh berpuluh kali dibuatnya, ceeeeehhhh untung diorang yang jumpa retis kat Village Mall haaaa kepada kawan aku yang awesome tu, korang sudah-sudahla senyum sampai ke telinga yea, jealous tu of course la timbul dalam perasaan sanubari aku ni but nak buat macam mana maybe aku takdak rezeki nak on road tour ngan diorang coz mak abah aku semua on Perak so acano tu, jadi aku pon stayed at home like a good girl and always terpacak kat depan TV then layan movie yang best-best ada yang tak best juga but layan pi la. Dengan ini saya mengakhiri entry saya pada kali ini, whoooooaaa nampak tak ayat yang tak berapa nak boleh belah sangat O_O hahaha

Saturday, 17 March 2012

You Left Me So Speechless !

Hey ya everyone long time no see right might be busy some others stuff maybe, so lets begin our fantastic conversation aha nowadays i'm just spend more times in front of lappy yeah like usual routine i bet you guys into the same way right ? For a long time i was damn craving her hairs ok absolutely i'm trying to keep it like her and now my dreams came true i'm just reached my goal oh yeaaahh ! Oh dear you didn't get my words let me explain with clearly and detail the girl that i means is Nicole Scherzinger you ever heard this name right superhottie vocalist from band Pussycat Dolls nah that's not my point actually i'm just wanna highlights my words that i really adore her hair perfect flowing seriously like huh i'm sigh coz she left me with unspoken, ok i don't wanna nagging with long statements just consider that i wanna share with you guys what i'm obsessed to actually, may have a pleasant blogwalking with me yea coz we always belong together ! Check it out my recent image from here forever love with you Nicole Scherzinger. Hope you will be long distance with Lewis Hamilton.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Like Barack Barack yeaahhh !!!!

Come and see this, just wanna spending my time watching some good sounds form them seriously how they can have a power and good voice what can i say maybe their advantage as well. So take a look some of their cover hope you enjoy and like what i had uploaded from social network " Youtube "

Best Thing I Never Had by JHm Cover

Here was popular i can say, bet you guys to watch this awesome ever after.
Moves Like Jagger by JHm Cover

Ok that's all for today's entry, see you in the next day.
Lots of love by Red Queen Diaries.