Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Carving For Something New Style

Assalamualaikun korang, hope you guys stay awesome ok, so today aku nak story dengan korang apa yang aku rasa pada abad ini, seriously aku memang craving benda ni dah lama actually but before this aku pernah merasakan lifestyle macam ni but now all was gone, oooohh sounds not cool ok !!! Apasal la dulu aku tak rebut peluang ni untuk learn something new maklomla manusia ni mudah alpa that's why diorang tak maju, amboooiii buat serupa aku maju sama, ok back to the right way..hahaha..apa entah aku nak cakap oohhh i got it maksud aku new style is " SKATEBOARD WORLD " haaa korang pernah dengar kan kan kan ? yang tu la aku sedang maksudkan sekarang ni, before this abang aku layan semua ni boleh katakan kitorang ada skateborad la senang cerita, then one day masa tu bekalan air rumah kitorang takdak akibat daripada sistem perairan yang kurang sistematik, maklomla still new in this state so that's why kadang-kadang tak betul sikit, apa boleh buat kawan then kitorang satu family pon apa lagi pi la angkut air sana sini dah rasa macam duduk pedalaman pon ada isshhh isshhh how come la life macam tu ? so disebabkan oleh keberatan air yang tahap critical kitorang fikir la macam mana nak angkut muatan yang begitu berat, so decide la untuk guna skateboard ohhmygosshh memang masa tu decision yang kitorang buat dah habis bernas..haha..tak fikir dah masa depan, yang kitorang tahu ada air untuk mandi, masak and seangkatannya. You know what last sekali akibat terlampau heavy, skateboard dah nazak berlakula perkara yang oouucchhhyy, patah roda dia..hahaha..funny part ok so kitorang pon let it go with sad face, banyak berjasa ok skateboard tu, love you laaa muuaahhh, R.I.P my beloved stunning skateboard. Now aku rindu balik nak ada benda tu, hope abah aku akan belikan..hehehe O_O wooopppppssss !!!!!

He was a skater boy, she said " See ya later boy ".
He wasn't good enough for her, she had a pretty face.
But her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Excuse Me, Let Me Introduce Him

Hooolaaaahoooppp guys, haaa today's fairytale buat aku, ehh macam Taylor Swift punya lagu pulak, so back to main entry i'm just amazed when look at him i'm sure korang pon mesti akan kata this words " ohhhmaaaiii apasal mamat ni handsome tahap PHD sangat " so gimme five babe coz we're same coz aku pon rasa mindset aku macam tu juga but what can i say dia ni branded guy, sigh huh kalau korang tengok " What I Wore " memang speechless semuanya yang dia pakai adalah mahal stuff ok diulang mahal stuff but maybe bagi korang not bad kot but aku sebagai manusia yang sederhana just can say like that. Wow and wow and wow always throw out from my mouth exactly mana taknya apa yang dia pakai semua branded aku memang pantang kalau tengok benda yang ada jenama ni apatah lagi high taste style, boleh gayat aku let me give some branded yang always dia pakai such as ZARA, H&M, TOPMAN ( TOPSHOP ), VERSACE, BURBERRY, LEVI'S, PENELOPE AND COCO, VINTAGE aaaarrrghhhh perlukah aku list kan semua ni, back off from that yea, but ada stuff yang kitorang mampu but not entire actually, like Levi's korang pon ada kan, Topman semua tu ada dalam korang punya closet so no hal la babe, lagipon i'm sure that korang more expert about all this branded stuff so tak payah la aku nak type all of this untuk korang kan kan ? So, korang dialu-alukan untuk take a look pics dia yang smarties plus melting, surprise o_o

Heading to Glamworld !!!!

 nampak tak betapa machoman dia punya style, haaaisshhh buat sexy boleh ?
hahaha memang sexy pon beep 

 Seriously can't take my eyes of you dude, such a nice view when look at you 
sedap mata memandang la kata orang melayu..hehehe ;)

ooooppppssss korang jangan cakap apa ok coz aku dah cakap memang dia ni stylish guy, rasa macam awkward pon ada coz tiba-tiba ja aku tulis pasal dia, kalau la dia tahu semua ni mesti dia perasan habis, eeewwww please dude !! hahaha, nasib baik handwriting manglish ( bahasa rojak ) ok close entry for today hope korang boleh tidur lena, mandi tu biarla basah, makan tu of course kena kenyang ok, tak mau berangan sorang-sorang and senyum macam " kerang busuk " ok, yeaaahhhh keep rocking babe, love you guys buggy.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Enrique Iglesias Is My Hero

What can i say when i get online on Twitter wow Enrique Iglesias was on trend again i'm really happy i can't show how lucky i am, thanks to those who always support him no matter what, i'm just grateful being his fans since i'm 9 years old oohhhh i didn't expected how long i'm a huge fans of him yeaaahhh Enrique Iglesias is my hero ever after and i love him till my last breath, so in here i wanna show you something which me and my EI Team survive for him till we got what we want this before. Let's see of his trends on Twitter o_o

First trend we made is Enrique SEXY Iglesias
yeaahhh i crop this trends on my screen ;)

Second trend we made it on Twitter is Enrique Iglesias is Gorgeous
This still new trend and it happen today on Twitter ;)

Thanks to Enriquettes Team coz make my day fulfill with a big smile, and i'm so honor to be part of your team and really appreciate what you guys had be done for us ;) That's all what i wanna created see you on the next entry. Bye and Assalamualaikum from me and EI Team ;)

Friday, 10 February 2012

I Remember That Feeling Of Not Feeling .......


I remember the day when I lost it all.
I remember not feeling,
Yet knowing exactly how it feels when your heart breaks.
I remember that feeling… of not feeling.
I remember hearing those words.
Those words that caused my heart to break.
I remember not being given a choice.
I remember watching my dreams, being ripped from my hands.
I remember my world spinning out of control.
And then I remember the feeling of my heart breaking.
I remembered my heart.
My heart that is strong, resilient, brave, happy, stubborn, grateful…
But mostly full of life.
And because of my heart, I refused to let you take it all.
And because of God’s good grace, he helped me back on my feet.
He gave me a second chance.
And with this second chance, I promise I will not let you down.
I am not perfect.
I am not even great.
I am just ok
All I can do is be grateful, and work hard.
I will forever know that feeling of not feeling.
I will never forget what it felt like when my heart broke.
I will never forget, because I feel.
Because I refused to let you take my heart away.
I am here because I was given a second chance.
This second chance to share what gives me life,
What moves my soul.
All because I feel.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Meet Them ........

Assalamualaikum everyone, whoaaa lama juga aku tak update blog ni mesti korang rindu aku kan..hahaha..perasan gila O_O ok today aku nak sharing dengan korang tentang wedding abang aku yang pertama telah berlangsung dengan lancar, alhamdulillah semuanya dah settle, penat aku selama ni sangat berbaloi even kitorang ada banyak kerja but for my beloved bro aku sanggup buat apa saja maklomla abang kesayangan la katakan, ceewaaahh nampak ayat aku tu sangat bermakna ok ;) thanks to everyone yang sanggup datang dari jauh, ada yang dari Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Perak and so on haaiisshhh ramai betul siblings aku yang tak berapa kenal ni, sekarang baru aku kenal betapa ramainya diorang ni, ada yang handsome, beautiful aww melting bila tengok diorang, ni la masa aku nak merapatkan silaturrahim each other kan ;) oohhhh tidak lupa juga kepada kawan-kawan aku yang awesome habis yang sudi datang ke majlis perkahwinan abang aku, thank you so much rindu gila dengan korang semua nampak sangat korang pon rindu kat aku coz duduk rumah aku sampai habis majlis orang catering dah packing barang nak balik you ok, so lets see our precious moment with my beloved friends only coz yang lain sorry lambat sikit coz memerlukan masa untuk edit and sebagainya ;)

♥ ♥  With my besties Emon, Zalick, Umy and Syera  ♥ ♥

ok that's all for today entry nanti kita continue lagi yea
so what do you think with our pics, cantik kan ? hahaha
To emon, zalick, umy and syera thanks for everything coz korang sanggup redah je sampaila jumpa rumah aku ni then naik motor parking jauh-jauh babe, apa kes ni ? hehe..ssshhhh secret
Love you and keep in touch with me